Contact Us

Library Development Office
Irving K. Barber Learning Centre
241 – 1961 East Mall
Vancouver, B.C. V6T 1Z1
(604) 827-4112

Elaine Fung
Senior Director, Development
(604) 822-3756
Fiona Li
Development Officer
(604) 827-3942
Sua Hong
Development Coordinator
(604) 827-3942


The Library Development Office is located in the Irving K. Barber Learning Centre. We are on the second level in the northwest corner of the building, Room 241. If you enter the building from the East Mall entrance, we are up the main stairs and on the right side, past the Centre for Teaching and Learning Technologies entrance and adjacent to the University Librarian’s office (Room 202). Enter Room 240 to find Room 241 inside. Please ring the bell for service.